Piney Point
Dental Implant Center

Can Magnesium Replace Titanium in Dental Implants?

October 5, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 2:06 pm

illustration of a dental implantAlmost all dental implants are made out of titanium — a trusted solution, given titanium’s ability to integrate with healthy bone tissue. But because this material may not be a viable option for everyone (like people with metal sensitivities), new research showing that magnesium can be a suitable alternative to titanium is encouraging for the implant world.


Is Bone Grafting Required For Dental Implant Surgery?

September 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 6:18 pm

couple embracingSo you’ve decided you want to replace your missing teeth with dental implants — great! You’ve made a wonderful decision for your oral and overall health.

But wait. You’ve heard you need to undergo another procedure in advance of getting dental implants?

If your implant dentist told you that you need to have a bone graft before your dental implant surgery, there’s no reason to worry. It’s a routine procedure that a lot of patients require, and sometimes, the implants can be placed on the very same day as the bone graft is completed.


One More Really Great Reason to Choose Tooth Implants

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 5:34 pm

close up of a beautiful smileIf you have been keeping up with our blog at all, you know we’ve written again and again about the benefits of tooth implants. That’s because we really can’t stress enough how excellent this tooth replacement option is compared to any other method. Next to a fixed bridge or traditional denture, there’s really no contest in terms of stability, appearance, comfort, and long-term financial investment.


What Should I Eat After Getting a Tooth Implant?

September 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 6:42 pm

You don’t have to do a ton to prepare for your tooth implant surgery, but we will give you a few pre-op instructions before your procedure. You’ll want to take these steps to ensure things go as smoothly and efficiently as possible on the day of your surgery.

man and woman with blender

Aside from wearing loose clothing and not eating anything before you come in for your appointment, there’s one more step you can take in the days before your procedure to make your life easier after it’s done. Maybe you’re not one for planning, but stick with us — because you’ll be so happy you stocked your fridge with soft, easy-to-eat, and nutritious foods NOW rather than trying to get your soft foods diet figured out after the procedure.

But what’s on a soft foods menu? We’re excited to show off our culinary prowess in this week’s blog post. Keep reading for the ideal post-dental implant surgery menu — it’s enough to get anyone’s mouth watering! (more…)

Don’t Wait to Find Out Which Type of Denture Is Best for You

August 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 4:38 pm

I love my dentures. No matter how your tooth loss occurred, the next most important thing is finding a replacement ASAP. Dentures have long been trusted as a way to fill the gaps left by a significant number of missing teeth, and they have never been more effective than they are today. Dentures can be full, partial, and retained by dental implants or not. Keep reading to find out which one might be best for your smile — we know you’ll be glad you did!


What’s a Prosthodontist? Do They Do Dental Implants?

July 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 8:43 pm

Dental implants are a comprehensive solution to tooth loss. As more dentists begin offering dental implant services, this comprehensive tooth replacement solution is booming in popularity. There are a number of billboards and other advertisements touting dental implants in the Houston area, and it seems like you can get them done anywhere and at anytime — but is that really the best idea? Not necessarily, says the team at Piney Point Dental Implant Center. Dental implant placement is still oral surgery, and you want to make sure you visit an expert who will get the job done right the very first time. A prosthodontist fits the bill.


4 Common Myths & Misconceptions About Dental Implants

July 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 2:49 pm

Dental implants provide a wonderful tooth replacement.While the popularity of dental implants is on a dramatic rise, there still remain many myths and misconceptions about this common method of tooth replacement. If you are missing one or more teeth (and maybe even if you’re not), it’s important that you have all the facts about dental implants. Dr. Steve L. Koo and our team are here to separate fact from fiction!


7 Reasons Why People Choose Dental Implants

July 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:39 pm

Dental implants are the most popular and effective option in tooth replacement. Nothing else rebuilds your missing tooth structure from the root — so what are the signs that dental implants could be the best solution for your smile? We’ve listed the top 7 below.

5 Big Health Benefits of Dental Implants in Houston

June 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 5:18 pm

Dental implants in Houston are good for your health. If you keep up with our blog, you already know something about the many benefits of dental implants in Houston. We’ve mentioned time and time again the fact that they provide unsurpassed stability for your smile, and that implants are the best financial investment over the long term. Of course, there is also your health to consider — implant dentistry is a real boon to the strength and longevity of your smile. We’ve listed the top 5 health benefits of dental implants below!


Turn to Your Oral Surgeon for Dental Implants in Houston

June 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 5:22 pm

 Dental implants in Houston are a comprehensive solution. Need dental implants in Houston? Your general dentist may be qualified to place them, but for the best results, it’s a better idea to trust your oral surgeon with the procedure. After all, just because you’ve changed a tire before doesn’t mean you’re the best person to handle your most complex auto needs. For a high quality tooth replacement, you can’t do better than dental implants — and there’s no one better to perform the surgery than Dr. Steve L. Koo at Piney Point Dental Implant Center!


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