Bruxism (repetitive teeth grinding and clenching) affects millions of people. Since it usually occurs during sleep, countless individuals are not even aware that they do it. Nevertheless, it is a serious problem that, if left unaddressed, can be detrimental for oral health. It could even have an impact on your tooth replacement prospects. How does bruxism affect dental implants? Can you still get dental implants even if you grind and clench your teeth? Read on below to learn the answers.
Bruxism and Early Dental Implant Failure
Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots. After they are surgically placed in the jawbone, a process known as osseointegration begins. Basically, this means that the implants and the surrounding tissue fuse with one another. Osseointegration allows dental implants to serve as a sturdy base for various types of restorations, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures.
Unfortunately, bruxism can interfere with osseointegration. If you grind and clench your teeth, the continual pressure may cause the implants to shift slightly, making it difficult or impossible for them to fully integrate with the surrounding bone.
Bruxism and Late Dental Implant Failure
Even if your dental implants successfully bond with your jawbone, bruxism still increases the risk that they will fail. The continuous pressure may lead to issues like gum recession and jawbone loss. Plus, the restoration on top of your dental implants will be more likely to break or crack.
Can You Get Dental Implants if You Have Bruxism?
Even if you grind and clench your teeth, there is still a chance that you could benefit from dental implants. If your jawbone is relatively healthy and you do not have any other oral health conditions that could interfere with your treatment’s success, it is likely that you will be approved to move ahead with dental implants.
Of course, your bruxism will need to be addressed. Usually, this is by means of a special mouthguard that creates a barrier between the upper and lower teeth during sleep. It can protect your mouth and alleviate many of the symptoms of bruxism, such as a sore jaw and headaches.
You will also need to attend regular checkups with your dentist after you get dental implants. They will evaluate your oral health, and if it looks like bruxism may be posing a threat to your new teeth, they can recommend an appropriate treatment.
Bruxism can harm your dental implants! Fortunately, there are ways to manage this problem so you can enjoy a healthy and complete smile.
Meet the Practice
Piney Point Dental Implant Center in Houston is home to three highly skilled oral surgeons. Our team proudly offers a wide range of procedures, all of which are designed to help patients enjoy complete and sound smiles. If you would like to find out if you are a candidate for dental implants, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact us at 713-597-7340.