A Simple Guide to Adjusting to Implant Dentures

September 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 4:15 pm
Senior woman happily adjusting to her implant dentures

If you will soon receive implant dentures, you have much to look forward to! Not only will you enjoy an improved smile, but you will be able to eat a wide variety of foods and speak with clarity. But how long will it take you to get used to your prosthetic? Adjusting to implant dentures is a process that is unique to each patient. However, you should expect to adapt fairly quickly. Here are some tips on how to transition to using your new teeth:


Can Dental Implants Help You Live Longer?

August 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 4:51 pm
Senior couple enjoying long life expectancy with dental implants

If you ask any medical professional how you can live a long and healthy life, they are likely to mention things like exercise and proper nutrition. They might not talk about your oral health — but the state of your teeth can actually influence your life expectancy! Specifically, tooth loss is associated with an increased risk of death. Let’s talk about why that is the case and how dental implants may be able to help you enjoy all that life has to offer for as long as possible.


Summer Is the Perfect Time to Get Dental Implants — Here’s Why

July 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 1:19 pm
Woman at beach, enjoying summertime with dental implants

Have you been thinking about getting dental implants? This remarkable tooth replacement method can help you regain a complete, confident, and strong smile. But when should you get them? Should you do it now, or would it be better to wait until your kids are back in school? There is never a bad time to invest in your smile, but summer is a particularly advantageous opportunity to embark on your tooth replacement journey. Here’s why:


5 Tips for Enjoying Your Favorite Summer Foods with Dentures

May 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 3:14 pm
Happy seniors eating with dentures at beach barbecue

Summer is full of delicious foods. Plus, with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, it is becoming safer and safer to enjoy social gatherings — backyard barbecues are back! If you have dentures, though, you might worry that your prosthetic will limit your ability to enjoy your favorite summertime treats. In this blog post, we provide some simple and practical tips for eating with dentures. Hopefully, you will be able to enjoy all the delights of the season without too much fuss.


Conventional vs. Computer-Guided Implant Placement Surgery

April 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 3:11 pm
Illustrated representation of patient’s jaw after computer-guided implant placement

If you are thinking about getting dental implants, you have an exciting journey ahead of you. One of the most important parts of that journey will be your implant placement surgery. Dentists and oral surgeons may use a variety of techniques to insert the implants into patients’ jawbones. For example, some of them use conventional methods, while others utilize highly advanced technology. Let’s talk about the major differences between regular and computer-guided implant placement surgery.


Discover the Confidence-Boosting Power of Dental Implants

March 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 4:17 pm
Professional young woman enjoying confidence with dental implants

Tooth loss is a serious issue. It can have far-reaching consequences for your oral health, and it can hinder your ability to eat the foods you love. It can also impact mental health. Many people with one or more missing teeth find that they are not as confident as they once were, perhaps because of the way that an empty space in their smile looks. Others’ confidence may suffer because they are afraid that their dentures will embarrass them in public. Fortunately, there is a solution to these problems. Dental implants may provide you with a significant confidence boost! Let’s talk about some of their many benefits.


4 Keys to Dental Implant Success

March 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 1:42 pm
Portrait of young man enjoying dental implant success

Statistics consistently highlight the astonishing rates of dental implant success. In fact, some research indicates that they are successful in up to 98% of cases! If you are thinking about getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you may wonder how you can be among that happy majority. Choosing a skilled oral surgeon, as well as making a firm commitment to caring for your new smile, can equip you to enjoy a lifetime of benefits from your dental implants.


Failed Dental Implants: Warning Signs and Prevention

February 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 4:33 pm
Illustration of peri-implantitis, a cause of dental implant failure

Dental implants are successful in the vast majority of cases. However, dental implant failure does happen occasionally. While you shouldn’t be unduly worried that your new smile will be affected by this issue, you should be aware of what signs might indicate a problem with your implants, and you should know what steps you can take to reduce the risk that it might happen to you. Let’s talk about these important subjects.


Dental Implants 101: An Introduction to Modern Tooth Replacement

January 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 7:37 pm
Oral surgeon explaining dental implants 101 to curious patient

If you have lost one or more teeth, it is certainly worth your time to research your tooth replacement options. You may come across a lot of sources claiming that dental implants are the best way to rebuild lost dentition. But what exactly is a dental implant? What makes them so great? And what can you expect from the treatment process? In this dental implants 101 blog post, we’ll discuss the answers to these important questions.


5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Dental Implant Surgery

January 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkoo @ 7:03 pm
Male patient asking questions about dental implant surgery

Are you soon going to receive dental implants? If all goes well (which it probably will), you have many years of strong, healthy smiles ahead of you. However, it is understandable if you are a little nervous about your upcoming dental implant surgery. There is nothing to worry about. With a bit of forethought and advance preparation, you can increase the chances that your surgery and recovery will be as easy as possible. Here are some practical steps you can take prior to your surgery.

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