Before you got dentures, the idea of having a full set of teeth and the ability to eat a wide variety of foods may have made you look forward with eager anticipation to getting your prosthetic. Now, though, you might be a little disappointed because you aren’t enjoying the comfort and function that you hoped for, especially when you sit down to enjoy a meal. Don’t worry. It takes some time to get used to eating with dentures. Here are some practical tips to help you out:
Start with Soft Foods
If you have traditional, non-implant dentures, they may place some pressure on your gums, which can cause discomfort if you try to eat tough or chewy foods. Until you adjust to your prosthetic, it may be best to stick to soft, easy to chew foods. Things like applesauce, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal are good choices. With implant dentures, starting out with soft foods is also a good idea. However, patients are usually able to move onto much tougher foods within a relatively short period of time.
Check the Food’s Temperature
Unlike natural teeth, dentures have no nerve endings, and they cannot sense temperatures. Therefore, they have an insulating effect on the mouth. Some people have dug into a piping hot meal only to realize too late that the food was not safe to consume. To avoid burns and discomfort, it’s a good idea to check the temperature of foods with your lips before you start eating.
Be Aware that Food Might Taste Different
Traditional dentures for the upper arch cover your palate, which contains tastebuds. Therefore, some foods may not be as flavorful as you are hoping. Fortunately, implant dentures can be made so they don’t cover the palate; they are an excellent option for anyone who wants to enjoy every morsel of their meals.
Also, keep in mind the importance of hygiene. A failure to properly clean your dentures might result in an accumulation of bacteria, which may lead to unpleasant tastes.
Don’t Bite with Your Front Teeth
When your natural teeth were healthy, you probably found it easy to take a chunk out of an apple with your front teeth. Unfortunately, you cannot do that with traditional dentures. Your prosthetic may become destabilized, causing discomfort for your gums. It’s best to cut your food into small pieces and move it directly to your back teeth so you can chew it.
Be Patient
Some people adapt to eating with dentures after a few weeks; for others, it takes months. If you find that you are still struggling after a prolonged length of time, call the dentist who provided your dentures. They may be able to offer assistance.
Traditional dentures can restore your ability to eat many foods, but they aren’t quite like real teeth. Taking the appropriate precautions can help you adjust to your prosthetic with as little fuss as possible.
Meet the Practice
Drs. Steve Koo, Thomas Weil, and William Shepard at Piney Point Dental Implant Center understand the frustrations that come with traditional dentures, so they often encourage patients with missing teeth to consider implant dentures instead. If you are interested in learning more about this natural-feeling form of tooth replacement, contact our friendly team at 713-597-7340.